Friday, November 19, 2010

And They Went Hunting (The Long Anticipated 15th of November)

            The weekend was a time of preparation. Shopping for last minute supplies and pulling the camouflage from the closets, my father and my brothers were getting ready for the fifteenth, opening day of firearm season. I honestly cannot remember opening day ever falling on a Monday before, but as time has it, this year it did. My brothers were given the day off of school in order to spend their morning and afternoon sitting in the field, but I didn’t get to go along.
            This year, due to financial reasons and time conflicts, I decided that I was not even going to buy my hunting license. It broke my heart to watch as they donned their gear and headed out into the dark morning to wait for the deer. I had never gone before without going out. In fact, I had been hunting practically every year since I could walk. I would run out in the shadow of my father, toy gun in hand, and sit there in my swishy snow pants and coat waiting; I was a little girl with a love for hunting formed at a young age. So, this year, to not even have the opportunity to go out, I was in a large amount of emotional pain. What was a girl like me to do without her yearly fill of hunting? The effects of college on my lifestyle have just become very realistic for me, sometimes you have to give up on one thing to maintain another.

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