Friday, November 19, 2010

The Most Beautiful Thing in the World

            This very morning I ducked out of two of my classes to spend a few hours in the woods and fields. Up before the break of dawn, I was bound for a ten or fifteen minute trek across the corn field by our house, a walk that consisted of me constantly tripping over the rows of cut corn. In my journey to the hunting blind that my brother put together between two fields, I spooked a deer only to hear it run off, as it was too dark yet for me to see it. As I settled into the cold chair, I waited for light to break and visibility to just enough to fire a gun and not get hounded by the DNR.
            As I sat there, waiting, I experienced one of the most beautiful things that a person may ever experience: a crisp November sunrise. Nothing is more enjoyable than watching as the sun slowly peaks up over the dark tree line. You sit there, in the silence and cold, your breath leaving trails of steam drifting into the pastel sky, slowly noticing that your eye sight is either improving, or it is truly daylight on its ways. Before you know it, the darkness that cloaked you in a realm of privacy has given way to a light that exposes you to the world, and in return, exposes the whole world to you. Sunrise is quite magical in being a true time of awakening.

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